Michael Coulson
Michael Coulson has been associated with the mining sector for over thirty years first working on the mining desk at James Capel in 1970, for many years the leading mining stockbroker in the City. In 1973 he joined Fielding Newson-Smith (later to become NatWest Markets) as a gold mining analyst where he began a long association with the South African gold mining industry. Two years later he became senior mining analyst at L Messel (latterly Lehman Bros) where he started to produce an annual gold review which he produced every year until 1991.
At Messel and later at Phillips & Drew and Kitcat & Aitken he was regularly in the top 3 gold analysts in the Extel Analysts Survey. After spells at County NatWest, Credit Lyonnais Laing and Nedcor Securities he joined Paribas to head its Global Mining Team. He left Paribas in 2000 following the completion of the merger with BNP. Between 2002 and 2004 he was Chairman of the Association of Mining Analysts and is a non executive director of City Natural Resources High Yield Trust. He is also the author of the ‘Insider’s Guide to the Mining Sector’.