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The Pro Retail Trader

How to Generate Professional-level Returns as a Retail Trader

By Steve Ruffley

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The Pro Retail Trader

How to Generate Professional-level Returns as a Retail Trader

By Steve Ruffley

Jacket text

The Pro-Retail Trader is a guide to help retail traders trade like professionals, from someone who has actually done it.

Steve Ruffley has spent 25 years trading the markets. He trained as a professional and he is now a pro-retail trader. He has achieved wins such as $10,000 in two minutes, $77,000 in two hours, and $90,000 in one day. These are professional trader results, but Steve trades his own account from home, using a retail broker.

He does this by trading large, averaged positions. He takes profit in every trade in one go. He only uses three defined trading types and two entry styles. Simple and effective. This is how the professionals do it.

Steve says, “If it’s trading, then I’ve done it.” From risk managing pro traders to running a trading floor, Steve has worked with some of the best traders in the business, at the largest trading firms. He has seen insights into pro trading that few people, even pro traders themselves, ever get to see.

This is important because anyone can be a retail trader, but not everyone can be a pro trader. You can be taught how to trade, but not everyone can learn how to make money, real money, from trading.

If you want to put yourself in this elite group and learn to trade like the pros, The Pro-Retail Trader is your essential guide.

About the author

Steve Ruffley has been involved in the finance industry for nearly 25 years. "If it's trading, then I've done it," is still one of his favourite sayings.

From risk managing pro traders to running a trading floor Steve has worked with some of the best traders in the business, at the biggest trading firms. He has seen insights to pro trading that few people, even pro traders themselves, ever get to see.

Taking this knowledge Steve traded with one of, in his opinion, the best pro traders he has ever met on the floor. After this experience he went out on his own into the world of retail trading, becoming the chief market strategist for a city broker, where he traded for himself for over a decade.

During this time Steve presented 1000’s of webinars and live trading events. He has wealth of retail trader knowledge. This is when he wrote his last book ‘The Ruff guide to trading’ 2015.

Since this time Steve has push the extremes of his trading mission to trade more size in the shortest time frames he can. Taking the pro level of trading to the retail space. There were good times and bad times, but a few key points remained true. Size of trades, speed, making every pip count made the most money.

People often don’t want to talk about money when trading. It’s almost a dirty word. But that’s why ever single trader trades. To make money. When you have made $5k in a minute or $90k in a day like Steve has, why would you not want to talk about it?

Published: 26/11/2024
Pages: 224
Formats: paperback - ISBN 9781804091371
ebook - ISBN 9781804091388
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