“Maike Currie’s book is a wonder of common sense and plain speaking. After all the horrors of bank-speak and obfuscation, Currie explains to the man or woman on the Clapham omnibus how to make the most of his or her money. In The Search For Income, Maike Currie demystifies the process of investment for even the most die-hard investophobes. While most ordinary people would rather not invest their money (and increase their returns) than trudge through the mire of the relative merits of equities, gilts, property and bonds, those who read Currie’s book will feel heartened that the process is not as complicated as it seems. Readers will feel empowered to take control of their own finances. And empowerment is what this book is all about. Currie’s use of empirical evidence and historical context is refreshing in a world of financial gobbledygook and hocus pocus. Somehow, Maike has managed to bring to life and make relevant what could otherwise be an unbearably dry subject.”