Independently minded publishing

Mario Gabelli, Chairman and CEO, Gabelli Funds

Like Adam, we appreciate the history of Berkshire Hathaway. I and my teammates at the Gabelli Organization have been tracking Warren’s success for some 50 years. . . I first learned of him while at Columbia Business School taking Security Analysis from Roger Murray, who succeeded Graham & Dodd. I got to focus on what Warren Buffett was investing in when I covered Pinkerton’s, Burn’s Detective and Wackenhut, that is business service companies. I noticed how astute he was buying cash flow entities that had some inflation indexing and tax advantages as a shareholder. Fast forward, we have been attending meetings in Omaha for over two decades. We also bought stock in two of our Funds that were initially launched in the mid 80’s – Gabelli Equity Trust (a Closed End Fund) and the Gabelli Asset Fund (an Open End Fund). Adam captures the work and highlights the history of Berkshire and the hard and diligent work of Buffett and Munger.