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Let’s Go!

How Great Leaders Shape the Future

By Jamie Ramsden

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Let’s Go!

How Great Leaders Shape the Future

By Jamie Ramsden

Jacket text

Ever noticed how leadership theories can disintegrate in the face of real-world challenges? That’s frustrating, whether you’re a busy executive or a developing leader.

On the other hand, purely reactive problem-solving is like bailing water from a ship without ever patching the leaks. With no reflection, no structure, no guiding vision, your temporary fixes won’t last, and soon you’re bailing water again.

Author Jamie Ramsden has thrived in the leadership world as a successful executive, an elite coach, and an academic. Let’s Go! lays out his own powerful leadership framework, which merges hands-on business knowledge with profound insights into human motivations.

The effective leader is a role model, a community builder, a sense maker, and a future shaper. In this inspirational book, Jamie blends theory and practical application to show you how to excel in each of these four leadership roles—and bring your team, your family, and your whole community along for the ride.

Let’s Go! empowers executives and leaders to elevate their game, better understand themselves and their world, and live to their fullest potential—not for a few months or even a few years, but forever.

About the author

Jamie Ramsden is a former CEO with 25 years of international business experience. As an elite coach, he works with Fortune 500 C-suite clients, business owners, and entrepreneurs across the globe to drive consistent, sustainable results through strategy, people development, and scalable infrastructure. His inspirational approach to leadership is shaped by extensive practical business knowledge, deep insights into human motivations, and his proprietary leadership framework.

Using ideas drawn from his research, his work as a CEO, and his elite-level coaching, Jamie has written extensively about leadership and executive coaching. He trained at the Center for Creative Leadership and is certified by the International Coach Federation. Jamie holds an MBA with a specialisation in leadership and change management from Lancaster University (UK).

Jamie challenges clients to tap into their own business and life experiences to unlock profound insights. Those insights translate into action that builds lasting professional and personal success. Guided by his framework, clients become role models, community builders and sense makers, not only for themselves but for their teams and organizations. Most importantly, he motivates executives to shape the future—the real work of leadership.

Published: 14/05/2024
Pages: 256
Formats: paperback - ISBN 9781804090756
ebook - ISBN 9781804090398
hardback - ISBN 9781804090381
audio - ISBN 0000000000099
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