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From Through Conversations
Ana Lorena Fabrega On The Future of Education
In this edition of the “Through Conversations” podcast, Ana Lorena Fabrega discusses a range of critical topics related to education. She traces her personal journey, highlighting the significance of curiosity in the education system. Exploring the flaws in our current educational approach, Ana delves into the hazards of prioritizing success within the schooling framework and the misaligned incentives at play.
From Top of the Pile podcast
How to Pay for College – a conversation with Ann Garcia, CFP and Author
Check out my conversation with Ann Garcia, also known as The College Financial Lady to find out how it is possible. Ann is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and managing partner of Independent Progressive Advisors, a financial advisory firm based in Portland, Oregon. Ann got her nickname of The College Financial Lady by specializing in college financial planning – she’s helped thousands of families save a ton of money on college. Ann has been featured in the New York Times, US News & World Report, CNN Money, and many other publications and she recently wrote the book How to Pay for College: A complete financial plan for funding your child’s education.
From Florida Weekly: Bonita Springs Edition
The Psychology of Money
Morgan Housel’s book, “The Psychology of Money: Timeless lessons on wealth, greed and happiness” (Harriman House, $20), offers countless insights that can help you be a better saver, spender and investor. Here are four of them…
Morgan Housel Doesn’t Need to Beat the Market
When it comes to investing, Morgan Housel likes to keep things simple. Speaking to a packed audience at the Future Proof conference in Huntington Beach, California, the author of The Psychology of Money and partner at Collaborative Fund broke down his simple investing style.