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Rule Breaker Investing

How to pick the best stocks of the future and build lasting wealth

By David Gardner

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eBook £12.99 / $22.50

Rule Breaker Investing

How to pick the best stocks of the future and build lasting wealth

By David Gardner

Jacket text

Have you always followed the rules? Do you believe that beating the stock market is just luck?

David Gardner, The Motley Fool’s Chief Rule Breaker, turns these ideas on their head. For over 30 years, he’s guided millions to outperform market averages through unconventional choices. His investments in companies like Amazon, Netflix, Nvidia, and Tesla have defied traditional investing wisdom. As an entrepreneur, he transformed these principles into creating a billion-dollar business, outsmarting Wall Street’s wisemen by playing the Fool.

Now, David shares his unique rule-breaking framework, providing you the guidance and the gumption to win at investing by finding and owning the best companies of the future.

About the author

David co founded the Motley Fool website, one of the most popular investing websites in the USA which now has offshoots in the UK and Germany.

Published: 16/09/2025
Formats: hardback - ISBN 9781804091210
paperback - ISBN 9781804091821
ebook - ISBN 9781804091227
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