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Catherine Stott Interview with Michael Covel on Trend Following Radio

Michael Covel interviews Catherine Stott. Catherine is author of, ?Hypnotrading: A practical guide to using hypnosis and NLP to improve your trading performance: Self-hypnosis and psychotherapeutic techniques for traders.? Catherine believes that hypnotherapy and neuro-lingustic programing can help traders defeat inner challenges and become more successful. She got started working with traders after helping a friend, who happened to be a trader. He helped her understand the world of trading a bit more throughout their sessions and this ignited her interest deeper. She has been helping traders for years but didn?t start HypnoTrading until 2014.

Catherine was working as a psychologist when a friend referred her to see a hypnotherapist. She started to see the hypnotherapist for stress relief in her work and personal life. She was intrigued by the therapy so much that she switched career paths and sought training as a hypnotherapist. Hypnosis is essentially being in a deeply relaxed state of mind. It is an open state of consciousness, but you are fully in control of your thoughts. The first time Catherine experienced hypnosis she found it incredibly relaxing, and thought ?I can?t believe that just happened, why haven?t I done this before?? Catherine dives deeper in the different steps she goes through in her sessions to get people in that relaxed state.

When Catherine trained as a hypnotherapist, part of the training was in NLP. Hypnotherapy and NLP are two different practices buy when used together they can be very powerful. An example of using the two fields together would be to associate pain with a color or a shape. It gives the client a way to view pain in a tangible way. They are able to think about that pain as an object that can be picked up and taken out of their body.

Michael moves on to asking, ?How do different trading styles play into how you treat patients?? Catherine explains that there are certain universal techniques in hypnotherapy. When it comes to traders, the goal is to find the right trading style that works for them. There are many methods of trading and people should find the one that fits their personality. For example, some people are not built to use a strategy with precise rules and vice versa, some are not cut out for the fast pace of day trading.

Lastly, Michael and Catherine dive into the idea of modeling and goal setting. Modeling is a process of looking at other people and what they do, and essentially modeling that. One way to change yourself for the better is to mimic others who are successful in the field you are trying to master. It is a way of seeing what your results will look like. Modeling helps refocus. The majority of people may not have the chance to get next to a great trader, but everybody can get close to those insights through the written word or videos online. Find people that reflect your values and the style of trading that you want to achieve. There are thousands of trading books out there; you need to weed out what will work for you. Break down what you want to achieve and how you are going to achieve it. Defining your goals and how you want to achieve them is key.

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