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Clearing the clouds of confusion, bt Vijay L. Bhambwani

“The author has explained the history of candlesticks and cloud charts in the initial chapters and the reader gets a hang of the underlying systems that went into the construction of these charts. The most hardhitting aspect of this book is the cutting away of the intimidating jargon that most Japanese candlesticks authors throw at the hapless reader. While the book claims to be an introduction to cloud charts, the reader should in no way feel the techniques are basic in nature. The author has taken pains to simplify and demystify the construction, interpretation and utilisation of these charts on a realtime basis.

While the language may seem intimidating at first glance, Nicole Elliott has gone the extra mile to interpret all the concepts in equivalent western terms so that bar chart followers feel as comfortable as verteran candlesticks chartists. In terms of presentation, all concepts put forth are are supported by colour graphics and multiple examples are provided for each study. Though the aompact size of this book (139 pages) seems inadequate, there is no denying the sense of satisfaction of having learnt a power-packed system by the time you finish reading the book from cover to cover.”

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