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Lawrence Gosling’s top financial books

Warren Buffett, ESG and the end of cash: This year’s best Xmas reads

Lawrence Gosling’s top financial books

Stuck on what to buy the financial services professional in your life for Christmas? How about an investment book? Lawrence Gosling picks out his favourites from the titles that have hit our desks this year.

… One of my favourite reads over the past few months is The War Against Cash by Ross Clark, largely because we agree – even though we have never met – about the drive towards a cashless society.
Clark argues, more cogently than I could, of the potential dangers we are storing up as society uses less and less physical cash.

It might be good for retailers, it might be good for central banks, but is it good for all of us, and, more importantly, is it good for future generations? I do not think so and Clark takes the same view.

This one is punchy, well-argued and thought-provoking, and if Christmas makes you angry about the amount of money spent – a lot of it cashless – then this is the book for you.

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